The decision to send your child abroad for their studies is a big one! It’s an investment in their future – and what is important to your child, may differ to what is important to you, as their parent. Therefore, we asked one of our former student’s parents to do a guest post on the process of studying Medicine abroad, from a parent’s perspective.
Guest Post – Sefex Saiieh
Applying to university is very competitive, and applying to study Medicine is even more stressful. The competition among students is very high and the chances of being accepted is very low, in fact, it is only averaging 6% acceptance rate. When Aimi told me that she wanted to study Medicine, I started to do a lot of research on how we, as parents, can help her achieve her dreams and give her a little bit of an edge compared to others.
She can either continue with her A-Level, then compete against tens of thousands of A-Level school leavers for very limited medical school places or pursuing via University Foundation programmes, either directly offered by the medical schools themselves or independent accredited colleges.
When all options considered, we find it is best for Aimi to continue with independent accredited University Foundation programmes, and this is where we decided that DIFC has the best record on placing its students to Medical Schools. Not only that DIFC prepares its students to be academically very proficient, they also prepare them on what to expect on the life and academic expectations of medical studies – this is something you will almost never get when you go via A-Level route.
As parents, we try hard to open doors for our children, and give them a little advantage, an edge compared to others and then it is up to them to perform, and I am very happy that, Aimi, with the guidance of DIFC, performed very well and been accepted to several medical schools.
This success encourages me to send my second daughter to DIFC as well so that upon completion of her foundation studies, she will have plenty of options to go for her Law & Business studies. I have no doubt she will achieve her goals with guidance and help from DIFC.