From DIFC to Debrecen: The Foundation of my Nursing Journey

By Shulamite Adedeji

Hi, I am Shulamite Adedeji, and I am thrilled to share my journey from DIFC to studying nursing at the prestigious University of Debrecen. Originally, I am from Nigeria, and I have always been passionate about helping others and dreamed of pursuing a career in nursing.

The Dream of Studying Abroad

After finishing high school, I knew I wanted to study in Europe, but I needed the right stepping stone to help me bridge the gap between high school and University. This is when I discovered DIFC, a Foundation Program in Ireland that equipped me with all the skills and the confidence to achieve my academic goals.

Discovering DIFC: A Foundation for Success

When I first joined DIFC, I was not entirely sure what to expect since I was moving to a new country with a different teaching system than the one, I was used to, but it turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The Science Foundation Program is structured to help students like me prepare for the university life they always wanted, and it did just that.

Building Academic and Personal Skills

I took courses in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Academic English (EAP), which really improved my critical thinking, research, and communication skills. Our teachers were so helpful and supportive, and they were always willing to go the extra mile to ensure I understood the material that was being taught in class and if I did not understand, extra classes were in place for students who needed more help. I loved the small class size which meant I received personal attention, and it built my confidence in asking questions and speaking out when I had questions. Furthermore it helped me adapt to the academic demands of higher education.

Supportive Community and Mental Health Focus

One of my favourite aspects of DIFC was the sense of community. I was able to mix well with other international students, learn about other cultures and form forever friendships. We encouraged each other to keep going and stay motivated to keep studying. Also, we were introduced to mental health workshops especially before exams, which is something I haven’t encountered before, but I learnt the importance of taking a break when I am overwhelmed or stressed about school which made the experience even more special.

Studying in Ireland as an International Student

Ireland is truly a fantastic place to begin your academic journey. The country offers a warm, welcoming environment for international students, with world-class education and countless opportunities to grow. Dublin city centre, where DIFC is based, is a vibrant and multicultural city with lots of resources and support for students.

DIFC’s Unique Commitment to Student Success

What makes DIFC different is its dedication to help students succeed. DIFC’s Foundation Course paved the way between high school and University, making sure I’m ready for the challenges ahead. Whether it is the moral support from teachers and Student Services, the focus on academic skills, or the inclusive community, DIFC goes beyond to create an enabling environment where students have the grounds to succeed.

I would recommend DIFC to anyone looking for a pathway to study abroad. It is more than just a stepping stone, it is a place where you will gain the tools, the knowledge, the confidence, and the connections you need to succeed in your personal and academic journey.

Looking back, I am incredibly grateful for the time I spent at DIFC and how it has helped me to be where I stand today. My goal in life is to become a nurse of repute who makes profound impact in the medical field & patients’ life, and the education I am receiving at the University of Debrecen is making my dream a reality, thanks to DIFC.

DIFC was vital to unlocking my future, and I am proud of all I have achieved so far. To anyone considering a Foundation Course or studying abroad, I encourage you to take that step and join DIFC. This journey so far has been life changing, and I am excited to see what the future holds as I continue working toward my future.