The transition between high school and university is a very challenging one, however it does not necessarily have to be.
I had the choice of direct entry into medical school but my father made sure that I went through a foundation year first. I always heard how tough medical school can be nevertheless I was uneasy about the idea of doing a foundation year before proceeding into medical school.
So, I attended Dublin International Foundation College (DIFC) as a medical pathway into the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI). Although I had a good time at DIFC, I did not know that DIFC was my ‘blessing in disguise’ until I settled into RCSI and wrote my first Interim exams. The coherence and similarity between the knowledge I obtained in DIFC and the knowledge being imbibed in me in my first year at RCSI is really impressive. Most of the skills I use to carry out my day-to-day academic activities are the ones which I acquired in the advanced, but essentially constructed, curriculum used at DIFC. In all sincerity I have no problem settling into RCSI, thanks to the foundation programme I undertook to prepare for medical school.
RCSI has been very exciting particularly because of its cultural diversity. It has been very easy for me to settle in and make new friends because there are societies and clubs which provide the means to make new friends. The lectures are very fascinating so this keeps one interested in each lectures. The degree of professionalism demanded from each RCSI makes one feel like they are already in the healthcare profession. In general, the standard of education provided by RCSI gives one the confidence that they are receiving the knowledge required of world class healthcare professionals.
I would recommend DIFC to everyone who wants enjoy their first year in medical school- I am having a good time in RCSI and the Mr. Tayto mascot can prove it.
Written by Babatunde Kehinde
Completed International Foundation Year – Health & Science with DIFC in 2016
Now studying Medicine at Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin (RCSI Dublin)