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You seem to be hesitating a little. Maybe some more research is needed. Why not start by taking a look at what some past DIFC students experienced and how it has enhanced their future careers. Get inspired, learn about others experiences and choose the right path for you. Don’t miss out on the opportunity of a life time. Make the leap today. You won’t regret it.

A big and bright future awaits you.

Our admissions team are always on hand to assist you with your visa application, finding accommodation and ensuring you settle into your new home comfortably and easily. Its our personal approach that makes DIFC the number one choice for hundreds of international students each year as they embark on the adventure of a life time.

What’s Next?

Talk to DIFC

Telephone: +353-45-866671
WhatsApp: +353838534760

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Malaysian female student sitting at a desk looking up from a notebook smiling

Guaranteed Placement

DIFC gives students a choice of over 40 prestigious Universities to progress to in Ireland, UK, USA, Australia, Europe and Internationally.

100% of students who successfully pass the NCUK International Foundation Year or Pre-Masters programmes with DIFC achieve a university place.

“Having a class of international students was a wonderful opportunity for me.”

Dawn Areen Kaur from Malaysia

“DIFC provided a great western-style pre-University experience and plenty of useful study tips.”

Mingzhu Chen from China

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